Soilwork 21 April 2023 Dom Omladine Belgrade, Serbia
Data Stucker Audience Stucker Panasonic TZ200 + CA14 + iRiver H340 Master PAL 16:9 76 min A-/B+ B+
Övergivenheten This Momentary Bliss Stabbing the Drama The Living Infinite I Is It in Your Darkness Electric Again The Living Infinite II Bastard Chain Valleys of Gloam The Nurturing Glance Harvest Spine Death Diviner The Ride Majestic Arrival Nerve Stålfågel
Full HD 12.7gb file First 3 songs filmed from the left side from the pit in 4K but downscaled to 1080p due to the whole project being done in 1080p because after the first 3 songs I changed the spot and filmed the rest in 1080p due to shakiness caused by 4K
Shitty recording overal